What Causes “Presentation Nerves” and How to Tame Them

“According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you’re better off in the casket than doing the eulogy.”

― Jerry Seinfeld

Presentation nerves have two main causes:

  1. A logical concern: People are judging me! (Because they definitely are.)
  2. A visceral reaction: Why does this feel so weird? 

Let’s break these down and find ways to conquer them.

The LOGICAL Fear: Yes, They’re Judging You… But That’s a Good Thing!

It’s true—your audience is watching and forming opinions. But instead of assuming they’re picking apart your every syllable, shift your focus: they want to get something valuable from you. Your job isn’t to be perfect; it’s to give them what they need. Rather than thinking about why it’s important to you (and dreaming up consequences for failure, or possible rewards of success) think about why it’s important that your audience understands you. Prioritize helping your audience understand your message – they are there to hear what you have to say!

Another mental shift that is just as important – have a positive outlook on the presentation. It’s easy for the presenter to focus on the potential of being judged negatively. Concentrate on the certainty of being judged positively. I learned this mindset from the WWII generation. Whenever I asked them, “What was the plan if we lost?” the answer was always the same: Losing wasn’t an option. That mentality helped them push forward, and it can help you too. Commit to success, and don’t even entertain the idea of failure.

The VISCERAL challenge: Presenting FEELS different from what you’re used to. The difference is uncomfortable and can feel “wrong.”

The problem is, presenting is very different from everyday conversation. We’re used to talking one-on-one. But when you present, your voice needs to be bigger, your gestures need to be clearer (larger), and your presence needs to take up more space. That unfamiliarity feels unnatural—so your instinct is to shrink to what feels more “normal.” Unfortunately, the audience sees this as low confidence. 

It’s clear that you need preparation—but the right kind. One of my mentors, Zig Ziglar, used to say, “When you’ve set up your ladder to success and are striving to climb it, make sure it wasn’t leaned against the wrong building.In other words, don’t just practice, practice with purpose.

The DEATH SPIRAL (or, More Accurately, the “Failure Spiral”)

Okay, the title is dramatic, but stay with me. Aviators use the term “death spiral” to describe the phenomenon of trying to fix a problem with control of the aircraft. The problem is, without knowing precisely what effect the “fix” will have, the fix makes the problem a little worse. The response to the fix-gone-wrong sets up even MORE problems and before long, the flight ends in a fatal spiral. 

Ever start a presentation, mess up a word, and suddenly your brain is a little upside down. It seems to say, “What now? I guess we’re doomed”. That’s the failure spiral. One mistake leads to overthinking, which leads to more mistakes, which leads to a full-blown mental meltdown. The good news? It’s totally avoidable. You just have to keep your hands on the controls, and know what to expect. 

The SOLUTION: Tame the Nerves; The Key is Control. 

Don’t play to your need to be liked, loved and accepted. Play to the audience’s need to benefit from what you’re offering them. 

  1. Accept the unexpected (even “awkward”) feeling — It won’t look awkward to the audience. Using your smartphone, record yourself from a few feet away, and you’ll see. What feels outsized and really too big,  looks just right to the audience.
  2. Breathe like a pro — Stop at every period. Short sentences = easy breathing. No more gasping for air mid-sentence.
  3. More self-recording Practice the whole package – Don’t just memorize words. Rehearse your voice, gestures, and phrasing too. Recording your practice allows you to be objective about your performance, rather than depending on how it “feels.” How you feel you’re coming across to the audience can be misleading.
  4. Adopt a “service mindset” — Make it about the audience, not yourself. Practice enough so your physical skills can run in your mental background. The less you focus on yourself, the better you’ll perform your service for the folks who need you and your message.

The more you practice, the more natural this will feel. You’ll find yourself looking forward to your next presentation (No doubt about it… success is fun!) So go out there, look someone in the eye, and hold the audience in the palm of your hand. You’ve got this!

If You’re Offering Your Audience Anything less Than “An Experience” They’re Being Short-changed

Maybe you’re a video journalist, a professional communicator. Maybe you are a someone who uses presentations before live audiences as a means to an end. The suggestions that follow are for you.

This odd convention of having one person talk and many people listen…what’s it for? Information sharing? Influencing opinion? Making a presentation, a telecast or a video post is a fast way to get everyone within earshot to hear my point of view, to hear my information, my “facts.” But what if my information is shoddy, what if my “facts” are colored by opinion? What if my point of view is skewed toward something other than “the common good?” In that case, it’s a fast way of getting bad information to lots of people. We know that there’s a chance of getting incomplete or incorrect information when we watch television news, or hear a presenter hold forth. But we seem never to get enough of it. Why haven’t we given up?

TV News: We don’t just want it, we need it.

Recently there’s been a revival of a failed experiment from the ‘80s. It has to do with “good news” or what was termed a few decades ago, “happy talk.” Briefly, it’s inconsequential non-news showing “feel-good” occurrences such as someone being unexpectedly kind or decent to someone else. Of course there’s a place for human-interest, but it has to sound (and be) important.

We can only assume research projects are returning results that indicate people say they want feel-good stories. Since pumping these types of stories into the newscast doesn’t produce a dependable increase in viewers, it leaves some of us wondering if, after all, people like how it makes then feel to say they want more feel-good stories (whether they’re important or not), but after all they don’t watch more because of the inclusion of these stories.

See if this holds water: People are engaged by a news story for two reasons: The first reason is to mentally stay out of trouble, (“The robbery happened in what neighborhood? I’d better be super-aware when I go into that neighborhood or avoid it altogether.” “Someone got hit by a car crossing the street? I’d better talk to my kids again about staying off of their cell phones when walking or driving.)” The second reason people watch is to understand their place in the universe, comparing everything in the news to their own experience. If the story is funny: “They thought this was funny enough to air. Do I think so too?” On the other side of the happy/sad equation, seeing the story about the mother who kills her five children is engaging. It prompts the viewer to ask, “What makes me different from her? Under what circumstances (if any) would I find myself in her place?”

So TV news fulfills a purpose beyond entertainment or “company.” It gets involved in our understanding of ourselves and the place we occupy in the world. While we might hate the idea of anyone’s being a victim of crime, if it has happened, we can’t help looking and asking ourselves, “What if it had been me?”

The Experience

Playing with this need that, as human beings, we all share, the storyteller who invests meaning in the story will fulfill the viewer’s need more completely every time. Facts, as discrete hunks of truism, are useless.  It’s not until they are given a context by the way they are represented in writing and through the way they are visually presented by a person that they have meaning for people as an experience. So, anchor, they’re not buying your looks, they’re not buying your personality, they are buying “an experience.” Your looks, your personality, the beauty of the set are only getting you a chance to keep the viewer with you until you can make the story meaningful. If after having given you the chance, they are disappointed with the experience they are offered, it’s no wonder the viewer will respond with frustration and with the urge to find another storyteller.

My dad was born in 1918, the year WW1 ended. For him, as a kid, a terrific, memorable experience involved a rope swing over an irrigation canal in Aberdeen Idaho. Nowadays, for a kid, the same feeling, the same memorable quality, can only be had by a trip to Disney. We’re all hungry for “experience,” and satisfying that hunger for “an experience” (not just facts) in others is getting more difficult, not easier.


By Nick Dalley, Intentional Communication, Inc. [email protected]. All rights reserved.

How to be Your Own Best Coach

How To Be Your Own Best Coach

I consider myself a good presentation coach. I take it seriously and I’ve been at it for 25 years.  But your best coach?  Potentially it’s you.  There’s no one more interested in your own success than you.  No one spends more time with you than you.  No one knows you better than you. It’s true in being a presenter, and on a larger scale it’s true in life.  You have the means to be your own best coach.

Most people waste their own self-resource by coaching themselves unfairly.  In fact, the more perfectionist someone is, the more likely they are to be a poor self-coach.

“Future Orientation” Versus “Past Orientation.” 

When assessing your own performance, there are two orientations you can choose: A “past orientation” which sounds like this: “Damn! In the presentation I just gave, I did that thing I hate.  I looked terrible doing it! Why can’t I fix that? I know better…I hated it.” Or a “future orientation” which sounds more like this: “That presentation I just gave didn’t do all I hoped it would.  Next time I’ll be sure to do more of ‘x’ or less of ‘y.’”

It’s a matter of living up the expectations you would have of any coach from whom you’re looking for advice.

Be fair.

Be constructive, not destructive.

Give yourself goals that are achievable and observable by you.

Make a plan for improvement

Work on achieving one small goal at a time.

Look for opportunities to boost your objectivity.  If it’s possible to make a tape of your presentation so you can refine your plan, do so.

Why be kind to (or at least fair with) yourself? The reason is that you have enough stresses in your life supplied by others.  And don’t forget, good “self-coaching” is much more effective in allowing you to reach your objectives than poor, authoritarian, ugly, unfair, destructive self-criticism.

Nicholas Dalley, ICI, 2017 All Rights Reserved

Best Self versus Real Self

When you’re standing in front of an audience or in front of a camera for broadcast, focusing on being your “best- self” is a bad idea. Learn why.